THE SOCIROR-IBERIAN SOCIETY OF ORNAMENTAL ROCKS, LTD hereinafter referred to as abbreviated by Sociror – values and respects the privacy of its customers, potential customers and third parties who interact, establishing this privacy policy, pledging to maintain the highest standards of security and privacy and to ensure that the personal data are treated according to their purposes and rights enshrined by legislation, guided by the legal principles in force in the area of privacy and protection of personal data, in particular the provisions of regulation (I) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council – General Regulation on data protection (RGPD) – and other applicable legislation regarding privacy and data protection, including national legislation that complements the RGPD.
The rules set out in this privacy policy supplements the provisions on personal data, that are or will be laid down in contracts concluded with the Sociror.
The Sociror is responsible for the processing of personal data of its customers and/or potential customers and third parties who interact, to the extent that sells products and services and that, in the context of these activities, decide which data collected, the means of the processing of data and for what purposes are used, and can be contacted by phone, by postal mail and email:
• SOCIROR – Sociedade Ibérica de Rochas Ornamentais, Lda.
• Rua Joaquim de Oliveira Noble, N° 1, Paul, 2580-122 Cabanas de Torres
• Phone: 263799751
• Email:
Personal data means any information, of any nature whatsoever and regardless of the respective support, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (is considered identifiable the person who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to your physical identity, physiological, Psychic, economic, social or cultural).
To establish and maintain a contractual relationship with the Sociror, the client or potential client must provide personal data (you do not have to provide personal data of special category), necessary for the fulfillment of pre-contractual and contractual arrangements.
Without obtaining and collection of personal data, you will not be able to proceed to the Sociror conclusion or maintenance contracts, maintain existing business relationship, or follow up to requests that you proceed.
The Sociror, as part of your activity, the collection and processing of personal data, in particular, necessary for the sale of products and services and to further your business.
In General, the personal data collected are intended for management of the contractual relationship, provision of contracted services, the adaptation of the services to the needs and interests of the customer and/or owner of the data taking into account the specific situation and, still, the information and communication actions and marketing. At the time of collection of the data will be provided more detailed information on the use of personal data.
The data are collected by telephone, in writing or through one of their websites, upon the conclusion of contract, in the context of pre-contractual representations with the express consent of the data subjects, even when collected by third parties.
The treatment of data collected by the Sociror have as purpose the sale of products and services provided and hired by Customers or prospective customers or for the management of the contractual relationship.
The data collected can, still, be processed for statistical purposes and for promotion or marketing actions, in particular, to promote actions for the dissemination of new products and services via email.
The processing of personal data carried out by the Sociror will always be based on one or more of the legal bases, laid down in the general regulation of Data Protection – 2016/679 (RGPD) and other applicable legislation regarding privacy and data protection, including national legislation that complements the RGPD, being the legal grounds used mainly by the following Sociror:
• Consent of the data subject, in accordance with article 6 paragraph 1 (a)) the RGPD, whenever given the consent to the processing of personal data for specific purposes (such as, disclosure of the data outside of the cases provided for in this policy or in the specific documentation Sociror, for direct marketing purposes, among others), the treatment will be carried out in accordance with strictly allowed. The data subject may withdraw consent at any time, without such repeal affect treatments while the said consent was in effect.
• Implementation and/or contract management or other pre-contractual representations, under article 6 paragraph 1 (b)) RGPD, including, namely, the processing of personal data done in order to maintain the contractual relationship of the Sociror with the customer or potential customer and/or owner of the data and to provide the services, performance of contracts and processing applications, as well as all the necessary actions in connection with the conduct and management of the activity of the Sociror.
The Sociror shall not profiling or make automated decisions, in any situation.
Under the law of protection of personal data, is granted to the holder of the data, the right of access, Update, rectification, limitation or removal of your personal data, all the time, as well as the right to object to the use of available data for marketing purposes or for special category data (not compromising the lawfulness of the processing performed on the basis of the previously given consent).
Is still guaranteed the data subject the right to submit complaints to the competent control authority, in the case of national, the National Commission for Data Protection.
To be able to exercise any of these rights or obtain any question related to this privacy policy, You can send written request directed to Sociror, for the (address of the headquarters) or by e-mail ... @sociror. pt, describing an application.
The provision of certain services by Sociror may involve, promptly, the transfer of personal data outside of Portugal, but in such a case shall be in compliance with the applicable legal provisions, in particular as regards the determination of the appropriateness of such a country as regards personal data protection and the requirements relating to such transfers.
The Sociror, as part of your activity, You can make use of subcontractors for the provision of certain services, This provision may imply the access, by such entities, the personal data entrusted to it. Where this happens, the Sociror take appropriate precautions, to ensure that the subcontractors with access to data, are reputable and offer all the necessary guarantees for the protection of personal data of the holders of such data, in particular the adequacy of the privacy policy of those entities to RGPD.
The Sociror can also communicate personal data to third parties, This is, the entities that will use the data for their own purposes. In cases where such communication can occur, in particular by legislative provision, the proprietor of the data will be properly informed.
In legal terms, the Sociror may also be required to provide the personal data of the data subjects to governmental or judicial authorities in Portugal.
The period of time during which data is stored and maintained varies according to the purpose for which the information is treated. In cases where there is no specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and kept for the minimum period necessary for the purposes that motivated your collection or treatment or for the period of time authorized by the National Commission for Data Protection.
The Sociror adopts various security measures, technical and organisational, in order to protect the personal data that are provided, in particular against your dissemination, loss, misuse, Amendment, treatment or unauthorized access as well as, against all other unlawful forms of processing.
Sociror reserves the right to, at any time, make adjustments or changes to this privacy policy, being these changes advertised as appropriate on the website of Sociror.